The Most Clear Signs that this is the Day of Judgment, of Resurrection, of God Himself

Please find herein some of the most outstanding Qur'anic references to this Day of Resurrection and of the fate of the people that have used the divinely revealed Verses of God to deny their Revealer, the chosen Author of all Verses and all Names.

It is hoped that this will encourage interest in studying the divine Qur'an, the "surest testimony of God to man", as Baha'u'llah tells us in the divine Kitab-I-Iqan (p. 151, older ed., §160, newer ed.), which is the promised Book of God that unseals the meaning of all past revealed divine Books of God.  God commands us to study the divine Qur'an, that we may know the truth, that "God doth whatsoever He willeth," and that those who have said "the Hand of God is chained up" have drawn upon themselves the wrath of the Almighty.  "The hand of God is above their hands" (Qur'an, Al-Fath 48:10).


"O My friend, were the bird of thy mind to explore the heavens of the revelation of the Qur'an, were it to contemplate the realms of divine knowledge unfolded therein, thou wouldst assuredly find unnumbered doors of knowledge set open before thee.  Thou wouldst certainly recognize that all these things which have in this day hindered this people from attaining the shores of the ocean of eternal grace, the same things in the Muhammadan Dispensation prevented the people of that age from recognizing that divine Luminary, and from testifying to His truth.  Thou wilt also apprehend the mysteries of "return" and "revelation," and wilt securely abide within the loftiest chambers of certitude and assurance."  

- (Kitab-I-Iqan, p.147-8, old ed., §156, new ed.)


When considering the applicability of the Qur'anic Verses to today's conditions, use the Verses with a heart turning to God and beseeching His mercy to understand what has been hidden before the revelation of the divine Kitab-I-Iqan, and it will become immediately obvious how these Verses perfectly describe the world we live in today.

Another sure aid in discovering in the Qur'anic Verses what had been hidden is to recite the "Tablet to the Teacher." found on pages 131-134 of the Epistle to the Son of the Wolf, and also in the Tablet Ishraqat, found on pp. 117-119 in Tablets of Baha'u'llah Revealed after the Kitab-al'Aqdas.

The Verses are ordered here as they appear in the divine Qur'an, and are perspicuous to all for whom neither love nor hate has prejudiced their hearts.

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2:84-5.  These two Verses were revealed to criticize followers of Moses during the time of the revelation of the Dispensation of His Holiness Mohammed.  But the Verses are never just for one time or one people; and today this same Verse describes what is happening throughout the countries of the Middle East and the Muslim regions of South and Southeast Asia, and the Pacific Rim countries.

"And when We took your covenant not to shed the blood of your people, nor turn out your own people from their dwellings.  Then you ratified it and you bear witness.  After this it is you who kill one another, and drive out a party of you from their homes, strive against them, in sin and transgression.  And if they come to you as captives, you ransom them, although their expulsion was forbidden to you.  Then, do you believe in a part of the Book and reject the rest? ..."

Again, see how these Verses also indicate that whoever and whenever a people once guided by a Book of God should reject the Verses of God coming after it, confirming what is in it, then on those people will be great difficulty and disunity - disunity and mutual violence from themselves, since the sovereign source of all manner of unity is from God and disunity is from man.

2:89-91.  "And when there came to them a Book from God, confirming what is with them - although aforetime they had invoked God in order to gain victory over the unbelievers, then when there came to them that of which they had knowledge, they disbelieved in it.  The curse of God upon the disbelievers!  How wretched is that for which they have sold their own souls! - that they should disbelieve in that which God hath revealed, begrudging that God should reveal of His grace to whomsoever He willeth from among His servants! ...  And when it is said unto them, 'Believe in what God has sent down,' they say, 'We believe in what was sent down to us.'  And they disbelieve in what was sent down after it, even though it is a confirmation of what is with them.  Why, then, have you killed the Prophets of God aforetime, if you indeed have been believers?"


Entire volumes could be written - and will be written in future - concerning the inner meanings of these Verses!  For, they clearly declare that a people, once praying for God's curse upon those who they considered unbelievers yet, when there came to them above the horizon of revelation Him Whom their own religion had prophesied would appear to them in the Latter Days, following the example of the leaders of their religion, all denied Him - the Face of God Himself - turning Him out or killing Him and His followers.  This can be verified by turning to the Surah of Hud in the divine Qur'an and of the holy Books of the past.

 2:106. Indicating that God is sovereign over His Verses, that he can change or abrogate them as He chooses, and that He shall not be asked of His doings.

"Whatever Verse do We abrogate or cause to be forgotten, We send down another one better or similar to it.  Know ye not that God is able to do all things?"


3:86. "How shall God guide a people who disbelieved after their belief, and after they bore witness that the Messenger is true, and after clear proofs had come unto them?  And God guides not a people rebellious, disbelieving."

This Verse clearly and evidently indicates that when a people believe in a divine Book of God and the Messenger revealing it, then the responsibility to respond positively to every subsequent Messenger of God is inescapable for them in a way of seriousness not applied to others.

Now, observe in the following Verses, how much unity was - and is - required of the Believers; that unity is therefore of God and all disunity is of our own selves.

3:103-107. "And hold fast all of you together to the Rope of Allah, and be not divided among yourselves. And remember God's favor on you - for you were enemies one to another, but He joined your hearts together, so that by His Grace, you became brethren. And you were on the edge of a pit of fire, and He saved you from it.  Thus, does God make His Signs clear unto you, that ye may be guided.
   "Let there arise out of you a people inviting to all that is good, and forbidding what is rejected by God; and it is these who are the successful.
   "And be not of those who divided among themselves after clear proofs had come to them.  It is they for whom there is an awful torment.
   "On the Day when some faces will become darkened in countenance.  As for them, it will be said unto them, 'Did you reject Faith after accepting it?  Then taste the torment of rejecting Faith.'
   "And for those whose faces become illumined, they will be under God's Mercy; therein to dwell forever."

8:63. "And He has united their hearts. If you  had spent all that is in the earth, ye could not have united their hearts, but God has united them. Certainly, He is the All-Mighty, the All-Wise."

See how closely these Verses, revealed over 1,000 years ago, coincide with the Verses of God revealed by Baha'u'llah concerning the Believers who had gathered around Vahid during the waring of the forces of unbelief against them in Nayriz, from an  unpublished Tablet called the Tablet of Patience, revealed just prior Baha'u'llah's journey from Iraq to Constantinople:

"O people of Nayriz! Recall the bounty of God, when you were on the edge of the pit of unbelief; but God redeemed you with His loving kindness, and guided you to His Name, 'Vahid.'  Recall further, when ye were enemies one to another, but God brought harmony into your hearts and united you,  and uplifted your names, and revealed to you Verses from the Tongue of Glory of the Well-Beloved."

Does this not indicate the full resurrection of the peoples of old, both good and bad, believers and unbelievers, in spirit, in the peoples of this Day, the Day of God, of resurrection and of the rebirth of all things?

6:134. "O assembly of jinn and mankind!  Did not there come to you Messengers from amongst you, reciting to you My Verses and warning you of the Meeting of this Day of yours?"

7:35. "O children of Adam! If there come to you Messengers from amongst you, reciting to you My Verses, then whomsoever becomes pious and righteous, on them shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve."

 10:25. "And God calls to the Abode of Peace [Baghdad] and guides whomsoever He willeth onto the Straight Path."

This is a clear reference to Baha'u'llah's sojourn in Baghdad and His declaration that He was "He Whom God shall make manifest", the One prophesied by the Bab as the Lord of all Mankind and the promised One of all ages.

11:103-4. ". . . That is the Day whereon mankind will be gathered together, and that is the Day when all will be assembled.
"And We delay it only for a term appointed." 

Truly, mankind has been gathered together in a world when anyone from any place is able to talk to anyone else located in any place on earth, thanks to the technologies developed by virtue of the copious rain of God's revelation that has fallen upon all mankind.  And all peoples can hear the Word of God, so that each soul can decide what is to be done in regard to belief in God, the One Creator of all things.

18:104. "And We said to the Children of Israel after him: 'Dwell in the land.  Then, when the Great Day comes near, We will gather you all together as a mixed crowd."
This refers to the return of the Jews to their homeland, which can only occur in the Time of the End, the Day of God, the Day of the Resurrection of all things, when the Lord of Hosts appears.

21:104. "And the Day when We shall roll up the heavens like a scroll rolled up for books. As We began the first creation We shall repeat it - a promise binding upon Us.  Truly, We shall accomplish it!"
Those who expect to see the literal and physical fulfillment of this prophesy are awaiting the appearance of the god of their on creation, their own ideology, those who are blind to the Verses of GodWhat is actually referred to is the rolling up of the heaven of comprehension of God and His Ways, while a new understanding, a new heaven of comprehension, will be unrolled to all mankind, making the old understanding obsolete.

22:7. "Surly the Hour is coming, about which there is no doubt.  And certainly, God will resurrect those who are in their graves [of unbelief]."
22:52. "And a day with your Lord is one-thousand years of what you reckon." 
Thus, the Day of God, will last no less than one-thousand years before again being renewed and the spirit of faith resurrected and reborn by reason of the appearance of another Messenger of God. 
25:25. "And the Day when the heavens shall be rent asunder with clouds, and the angels, rank on rank, will be sent down."
Again, these "clouds" are misunderstandings that keep the people from seeing clearly the heavens of the knowledge of God.  Certainly, today there is a complete misapprehension of the Cause of God among the generality of mankind, blinding them from the Straight Path.

36:51. "And there shall be a second blast on the Trumpet, and behold! from the graves they will come out quickly to their Lord."

36:65. "This Day We shall seal up their mouths, and their hands will speak to Us, and their legs will bear witness to what they used to earn."

That in the Day of Resurrection no one will be asked of his doings is a sign of the Day of God.  The peoples' actions, their deeds done in the night when no Messenger had come to them, and after the Dawn of the new Day was manifest will testify of them and of what is in their hearts and souls.

40:67. They made not a just estimate of God, such as id due to Him. And on the Day of Resurrection the whole earth shall be grasped in His Hand; and the heavens shall be rolled up in His Right Hand.  Glorified is He above all that they associate as partners with Him!"

Again, this Verse reiterates what has been previously revealed and discussed above.  The heaven  of spiritual understanding and the earth in the  heart of man that receives the rain of spiritual teachings and brings forth according  to its capacity the fruits and trees and living things the Lord of mankind provides us - unity, the solution to our difficulties and the washing away of our pain from within.

40:68. "And the Trumpet will be blown; and all who are in the heavens and all who are on the earth will swoon away, save him whom God wills.  Then it shall be blown a second time; and behold! they will be standing, looking about." 

This refers to the twin Manifestations of God to appear in the Day of God.

40:69. "And the earth shall shine with the light of its lord. . . ."

That is, the earth of understanding will reflect the light of the teachings of God in all things, and under all conditions.

". . . And the Book will be placed open . . . ."

The holy Books of old will be explained to us that we have full understanding thereof.  The revelation of the divine Kitab-I-Iqan did this, laying wide open the Books of God for all to understand and comprehend, and shining the light of understanding upon all things.

". . . And the Prophets and witnesses will be brought forward, and it will be judged between them with truth, and they will not be wronged."

That is, with the Books fully explained,  the people will be asked as to why they chose their own ways over the ways taught to them by God, why they had willingly and deliberately strayed from the Straight Path by following those leaders among them who had joined partners with God, that is, asserted their own beliefs and desires above what was revealed in the holy Books of the Prophets and the Messengers.

50:22. "Indeed you were heedless of this.  Now We have removed the veil covering your eyes; and sharp is your sight this Day!"

That with the revelation of the Bab's and Baha'u'llah's Books and Tablets, everything is explained, the people can see; and therefore it can be said that for us today, "There is no refuge for thee but God."

51:47. "And with Hands did We construct the heaven.  We are able to extend the vastness of the space thereof."

An amazing Verse in its portents!  First, the Hands of the Cause of God are referenced as those souls who shall construct the heavens of the knowledge of God, and extend the space thereof; and second, that the physical universe, as science has discovered, is increasing in its vastness.

52:9-11. "On the Day when the heaven will shake with dreadful shaking.  And the mountains will be moved away with movement.  Then woe that Day to the deniers!"

The term, "heaven" or "heavens" has been discussed as referring to the "heavens of religious understanding", the "heavens of the knowledge of God", and the like.  The "mountains" represent the established religious laws and customs of the people and that accumulation of dogma, ritual observances, laws and ordinances of past religions - the changing or obviating of which none could imagine, and is considered the greatest of miracles! - because with the appearance of the divine Manifestation of the Day of God, the Viceregent of God on earth, they will be moved away, will disintegrate and fall to pieces and become so many ashes blowing in the wind.

53:1. "By the star when it fades."

Reference to the Azalis, the followers of the arch-breaker of God's Covenant with the people of the Bayan, Mirza Yahya.

Also, when the Sun of the knowledge of God, that is, His Manifestation, rises above the horizon of the revelation of God, the stars of night disappear.  But this is a different phenomenon, of the stars not made dark or darkened, but rather, that the new Light is so great as to brighten the heavens of understanding so that these small stars, while still shining, cannot be seen.

56:50. "All will surely be gathered together for the appointed Meeting of a known Day."

These are just the most notable Verses that attracted the attention of this writer, proclaiming the Day of God as this day.  Baha'u'llah, however, explains in the divine Kitab-I-Iqan that fully one-third of the entire Qur'an is dedicated to the signs and prophesies of the coming and inevitable Day of God.  Thus, we have not even scratched the surface of what is even of the most noteworthy of these signs.  And some of them have been omitted since they were already discussed earlier, and an attempt is made here to be brief.

Beyond these Verses from the Book that leaves nothing out can be added the many Hadiths and traditions pertaining to the Day of God.  The reader is referred to the last pages of the Epistle to the Son of the Wolf for some of them.

Some of the Arabic traditions regarding the signs of the coming Day of God follow.  They refer to the appearance of the Dajjal, or the false god, who will lead many astray.

This is from Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia:

" The following signs are ascribed to Ali in the coming of Dajjal:[10]
  • People will stop offering the prayers
  • Dishonesty will be the way of life
  • Falsehood will become a virtue
  • People will mortgage their faith for worldly gain
  • Usury and bribery will become legitimate
  • Imbeciles would rule over the wise
  • Blood of innocents would be shed
  • Pride will be taken on acts of oppression
  • The rulers will be corrupt
  • The scholars will be hypocrites
  • There will be acute famine at the time
  • There will be no shame amongst people
  • Many people would worship Satan
  • There would be no respect for elderly people
  • Damascus will be ruined
  • Muslims will lose the control of Jerusalem and it will be "occupied."
  • The deserts will "blossom as the rose." 
 To this can be added that
  • Men will compete in the building of ever taller buildings.  We see this today absolutely, with the new Khalifa building in Dubai now being the next tallest in the world.
  • Wild animals will be caged.  A clear reference to zoos.
  • People will travel on "black camels" which could mean black limousines.
  • Christians will involve the whole world in two great wars.
  • The sun will rise in the West.  That is, the "sun of knowledge and technology" would rise in the Western World, and from there shine upon all other regions, and this has happened.  There are other significant meanings as well, when we consider that Akka is West of Hijaz.
  • Women would dress like men and men would dress like women.  Fully realized and on display.
  • Fornication (being sexually active before marriage) and adultery would become commonplace.  Again, and unfortunately on display everywhere, especially in our media, which seems to have taken a leadership position of subverting mankind, young and old, with its poisonous and wicked propaganda, and all that just to increase its profits.
  • Homosexuality and lesbianism would become accepted norms.  Indeed, it is taking one's life and reputation in one's hand to dare to suggest that homosexuality is against nature and God, that it is the manifestation of a serious mental disorder, causing suffering and a perversion of natural tendencies, just as - say - for schizophrenia or other serious physico-psychological disorders.  Those with real cases of "homophobia" are the members of the medical community who have capitulated and enabled this "normalization" of a serious disorder, rather than attempting to treat it.
  • Many children would be born to single parents, out of wedlock.  And see the harm and chaos that has developed because of this!
  • Alcoholic beverages would be widely consumed.
  • Religious knowledge would "disappear", meaning that it would be there but would be disregarded and discredited.  A reference again to the "clouds" that will enshroud mankind.
  • Time would move swiftly. And so it seems to us living today.
  • Nothing would remain of Islam but a dead letter, an empty name.  A sad development, but inevitable as we see how it is held hostage by radicals and fanatics who have used it as justification for murder, rape and pillage.  And we see with each passing month another Muslim community in the throes of violence, rebellion and disunity.  Thus, are they being judged as they have judged others, using the standard of their own holy Book, the divine Qur'an.  As it is revealed in Surah 25, Al-Furqan, Verse 30, "And the Messenger will say, 'O My Lord! Verily My people have deserted this Qur'an.' "  And when God chooses to degrade a community He allows its disunity ind internal disputes to multiply that it tastes the violence of one another.  Because unity and oneness are attributes of God Who He bestows upon those who are pleasing to Him, while for those who reject His teachings He causes their own disunity to overcome them and they cease as a viable, self-subsistent people.
  • There would be a "palpable smoke" that would enshroud mankind, an afflictive torment.  That is, the heavens of the knowledge of God would be covered up by the smoke of disagreements and disunity, with the ways to the attainment of God's presence multiplied and the signs to the Straight Path difficult to make out.

These are in summary the accepted hadithical signs of the Return, the Resurrection, the Day of God Himself.

In comprehending them, we note that Muslim scholars and believers acknowledge that no Hadith can go against what the divine Qur'an has revealed, which rules out these signs and portents having a physical fulfillment, which would not, as Baha'u'llah explains, be true of God Himself.  That is, how could the good and sincere be separated from the wicked and hypocritical were all the signs and portents to be literally fulfilled in the visible heavens and earth? - since fear and awe would grip all mankind to such an extent that all would be groveling in the dust for fear of their Lord.  rather, those who have spiritual eyes and ears see and hear, while those without them, by reason of their own deeds, see and hear nothing and continue in their accustomed ways, awaiting the hour when God would have taken them and shown them all their deeds, and reminded them of their clear duty to Him and to mankind, which they so studiously ignored.

What if:

  1. What it says in the Qur'an about the Jews returning to their Homeland "as a mixed crowd" on the "Day of Resurrection," were true?
  2.  And that part in the Qur'an where Mohammed says, "My people have deserted this Qur'an" (25:30) were real?
  3. As well as where it says they would be "changed for another people" on the "Day of Resurrection" were to happen?
  4. And where The Bab said in 1845, "Erelong We will, in very truth, torment such as waged war against [Imam] Hussein [13 October 680 AD (10 Muharram 61 AH)] in the Land of the Euphrates [Iraq]  with a most afflictive torment, and the most dire and exemplary punishment," - what if that were to actually happen?
  5. And the prediction of the destruction of the Syrians on the "Day of Resurrection" for orchestrating and celebrating the killing of the Family of the Prophet and keeping the head of Imam Hussein on display in Damascus, actually came true?
If all these things actually happened as predicted, how would they play out?  How would they actually be accomplished?  What would things look like in the Middle East, and especially in Iraq and Syria today?

Just a thought.